Tuesday, 11 October 2011

movie script

the trailer i will do will involve mainly 2 main actors.
i will call them A B
In order to write part of my script down.

in school.

a. hey b!
b. what up mate!
a. i have a plan for tonight.
b. what?
a. we are going to call spirits
b. that is really cool, lets do it.
a. ok come to my room at midnight.
b. ok!
a. see you then.

in the room
a. hey how are you?
b. all right you?
a. im ok
a. ok lets get started
b. ok !
a. we should not be doing this now that i think about it. it can be risky.
b. don t worry!.

b. you see nothing happened.
a. yes yo are right.
a. wait whats that noise??
b. what noise?
a. the window opening in the toilet!
b. i will go and check.
b. heeeeellllppppp!!!!

a. omg!
b. save me please!
a. no ! i m leaving from here!

a. heeelllpppp
b.  -silent-
a. silent.

this is a sampled  script of the chat and discussion between A and B , the 2 main characters in my trailer.
i will also add some new parts to the script , but considering  i am still working on the trailer , this is what i have taught about so far.

i have also done the xtranormal movie but i was not able to upload it because i have been working with a mac.

shots and voice over in my trailer.

in my trailer there is not going to be any kind of voice over ( someone speaking and decrying what is happening. e.g the deep voice) .
the only tips of voice over there is going to be is some screams technically caused by the spirits.
the only thing is that i wouldn't consider them as voice over because although the spirits are not visible in the movie i still consider them as characters and as consequence a don't associate their screams to voice over.

the only voice over i am going to insert in my trailer is right at the end where the title is going to appear and the release date. there , a deep voice is going to say : "the title" and the "release date".

those are the only 2 parts of the whole trailer where i decided to apple some voice over.

institution that might produce my trailer.

the institution that would produce my trailer a many.
because is a reference i decided to use the movie paranormal activity , i therefore decided that the institution that mint produce my trailer would be the same:
the 2 most important one i would hope for are  dream works and paramount.
these 2 companies are worldwide famous and most of their movies have had a great success.
i would like theses 2 companies because the budget would be very high as well as the promotion and distribution. i would also be able to hire famous actors and , as a consequence attract more audience and get   more people to watch my movie.

if these companies would not be available i would rely on smaller companies that produce similar movies to mine such as grave encounters.
these companies would be companies such as digital interference productions and twin engine productions.
although these 2 companies are smaller they would still be able to produce and promote my movie an a decent way, that it would be very good for me.
the budget would be smaller and actors would be less known and famous.

in my trailer i will use these information by introducing the logo of the company that is producing my movie and after the logo i would insert i title saying : " from the producer of"...  and "the winner of"...
i would also try to apply some special effects on the logo such as the night vision one.

pearl and dean audience research

this is the pearl and dean graph that i found on the website.
this graph is the most suitable for my trailer out of the 3 available. 
my tragted audience as it is possible to see in the graph are mostly boys becuase girls would be scared of the trailer i am producing.
the age  targeted for my trailer is over 18 and in the graph it is clearly visible. 
my movie is split between higher and lower class. 
it is possbile to see that people below 18 are very few watching it  this because  it is illegal for them to watch it. 
my movie is seen more in the cinema from younger people  and at home from older 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


the audience that would most likely be suitable for my trailer and movie are "casuals"
the perfect audience member for my movie can be from 18 to 30 years old.
most likely the movie is suitable for males as females generally prefer love movies or comedy.
my perfect audience member can be from any nation , religion or race.
the way they dress is "casual" generally talking they wear t shirts jeans and quiet often also shirts.
they can also be business man.
they eat anything  from a norm meal at mc donalds to  a sushi restaurant.
they generally listen to  commercial music. (e.g rihanna )
but they also listen to old music such as beatles.
most of them usually like scary movies as they like the suspense.
this trailer is definitely not suitable for kids as some scenes can result violent and inappropriate.

my uk tribe .
the result i came up was "raver" !
probably because  i really like music and enjoy concerts and festivals.
i also like dancing  and meeting with friends. 



trailers are fundamental  in order for a movie to succeed. 
all the trailers have the main aim to attract people and to convince  them to go and watch the movie.
there are many different ways of how a trailer tries to attract people.
the first thing i would like to talk about is the voice over in trailers.
often many trailers have a voice over which describes and comments on the movie.
this voice is often very deep and unique. the voice is made on purpose to attract people. 
the voice over greatly emphasis what people will see in the movie. 
the diabetic sound also will reflect what will be seen in the movie. for example if there is sound of shotgun
as a consequence it will most likely be an action movie. 
during the trailer the main character will be shown and some of the best part of the movie will be shown , this will lead the future audience with the desire of finding out what else the main character is going to do and how he is going to solve problems, survive etc. As seen within many trailers are the conventions which are the things of which a person could expect to see within a trailer such as who may be starring in the film and what the age certificate which notifies people of what age a person has to be in order to see the film. 
 It is known that in many trailers the title of the film is not shown until the end To conclude, within the trailer is shown the release date at the very end, as the audience we are not told the specific release date of the film, we are only told that it is "Coming Soon" which for us builds up the anticipation for the film to be released as we expect it to be in the cinemas very soon, possibly sooner than we initially expected.  
this is how usually trailers are able to attract people .




prop analyzed some russian folks tale . He broke down the tales into the smallest possible units, which he called narratemes, or narrative functions, necessary for the narrative to exist. Each narrateme is an event that drives the narrative forward, possibly taking it in a different direction. Not all of these functions appear in every story, but they always appear in this order.

the prop theory is decided in around 30 narrative functions.
in my trailer same of them will be actually taking place :
here is some of them and how i am going to apply them to my trailer:

1 an interdiction ( a command not to do something) . in my trailer  the characters will be told not to call                      spirits through a special rite.

2 the characters  ignore the interdiction. they still do the rite and call spirits.

3 the "enemy" appears.  spirits appear in the trailer after they called them

4 the enemy injures characters.  in the trailer some characters get injured possessed and killed

out of 30 points that prop made only 4 will be in my trailer. this because the rest of the points that prop made were about an entire story or movie; as a consequence although they might occur in the full movie of my trailer ,  the other points made by propp cannot be applied to my trailer.

i think that the prop theory is really hard to apply to trailers because  his theory involves a full story while a trailer is the teasing of a story and it does not have some key parts on which the prop theory is based on .


Todorov proposed a basic structure for all narratives. He stated that films and programmes begin with an equilibrium, a calm period. Then agents of disruption cause disequilibrium, a period of unsettlement and disquiet. This is then followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for the protagonists and a new equilibrium brings the chaos to an end.

    todorov's theory is considerably more applicable to trailers compared to propp ' s theory. 
    as in many trailers everything is quiet in the beginning , after there is a period of chaos followed by a more quiet , followed by harmony , that leads in the end  to the chaos. 

  as an  example i could use my trailer.   students go back from school ( beginning harmony) . the call spirits ( chaos) 
  they try to escape and run away ( quiet period ) they run in the church ( harmony) . spirits appear in the church ( final chaos) 


i decided  to use all these pictures on the mood board for a number of different reasons.
the pictures on top show the type of location i would like to do my trailer in .
then there are few pictures of the type of demons i will try to put in my trailer.
and the rest if the pictures are pictures to shoe the audience reaction that i hopefully will give to my audience thanks to my trailer .
this moodboard  is made to give mainly  one emotion to the people looking at it : they should be scared. 
the main of my trailer is to scare the audience


SHOT 1 .
the first shot i decided to introduce in my grid , is the shot of a space shuttle. the shot is made by in order to look like is a shot taken by a person with a camera in his hand. this is useful for my trailer beacuase many of the shot  i will be doing will look like that.
the shot hasnt got anything particular in it , the back ground is simialr all over it  and it is a very easy shot.

the second shot shows the shuttle finally in the space. i decided to introduce this shot because it is the shot that breaks the trailer aprt from the first part which is based on the shuttle take off to the second part, the actual important part of the trailer , where the adveture begins and the shots location completely changes.  this shot technically  talking is fairly easy and its just a space shuttle camera showing a part of the shuttle that is about to be abandoned in the space.

the third shot is the first shot of the moon surface you get to see  in the trailer.
it is made by the austronaut in the landing craft. it is very interesting because it is made in order to appear an old shot found from a real footage made by the astronauts several years a go .
mosof the movie will be looking like that because the movie looks like if it was a real footage made in the past. 

the forth shot is the first shot we have in thr trailer of the astronauts.  thus shot is important in the trailer because it is the shot that starts the adveture on the moon , as a consequence i decided to introduce it in the grid. this shot is made by a camer which is supposed to be in the landing craft.
it is a high angle and  also this shot is amde in order to look old.


the fifth shot shows the astronaut on the moon and is standing beside the american flag. i decided to introduce for few reasins. the first one is becuase this gave me the idea to "copy" some shots from trailers similar to the trailer i want to do . another reason is because  this shot  is the first one showing the astronaut actually standing on the moon surface.
this is a mid shot . 

this shot shows the foot of an astronaut and its footstep and beside another foostep which does not match with his footstep. i decided to introduce this shot because is the shot wich starts the troubles in the trailer so is the first shotwhich actually gives a scary emotion in the trailer.
this is a  high angle shot taken from a camera which the astronaut its carrying around with itself.

this shot shows an hummer. i decided to introduce this shot because it is one of the lonley scenes where it is possible to understand what is happening and it is also the weapon used to injure the astronaut.  this is another shot made by someone holding the camera.  whenever the shot are taken outside most of the time they are in black and white.

this shot shows a  the worst part of the trailer. a decided to introduce this shot because vit is the most  important part of the trailer. where all the actions happens and the problems start to occur.
it is a high angle shot made in order to look old but also with special effects in it,
after this shot everything gets very confused and there is a series of scenes of fights and astroanuts screaming becuas of different problems.

the last shot i decided to take is a shot of the  last  time we are able to see a human face in the trailer.
this is one of the shots which leaves the audience with suspence and invites the audience to go and watch the movie in order to see what else happens.
technically talking this shot shows a close up of the austronaut face. the face is not really clear becuase this shot is a very wick shot in a series of shots of many things happening a t the same time.
i want to finish my trailer with a screaming face , just like the one here.