Tuesday, 29 November 2011


for my trailer and dont need any special csotumes , infact all that i require in terms of costume for my trailer are going to be casual clothes for most of my movie, a pijama and lastly a school uniform for the few first seconds of my trailer. in terms of props i will need few "gadgets". i will need a "spirit board" a glass  and some fishing rope un order to make special eggects such as the door closing by itself.

this is a spirit board. it is used to call spirits. as i dont have an orginal one becuase they are really expensive and hard to find i will use a home made one.

this is a tranparent rope. i will use it to do some kind of special effects such as doors closing alone etc.
i will find this prop in most supermarkets. if this is not available i will use a sawing wire.

this is a shot glass. it will be used as a tool with the spirit board. to call spirits. it is easy to find in most supermakets and house shops.

these are electric candles. i will use them to make the atmosphere in the house during some specific parts of the trailer. i already have few of them in the house as it is chirstmas time. we use electric candles as they dont represent a fire hazard.

Monday, 7 November 2011

loacation and cast shots

this is the toilet of altyre house. i decided to use this as part of my location because as it is possible to see in the picture is a vary "simple" place and if in the dark it can look scary, therefore i decided to use it as part of my location.

this is the second location. it is my room. in here the main part of the trailer will occur, when the students will call spirits etc. lights will be off during the trailer and people will be sitting on their beds.

this is a shot of the school main building.  only in a small part of the trailer the actors will be walking outside, therefore it is not a major location of my trailer. students will be walking on this road and talking.

this is the location where my final shots of the trailer will occur.  the shots will be taken when its night therefore this place will be scary and very dark .

this boy is stuart. he is one of the 3 actors in my movie. he is from scotland. 19 years old.  he is also a media student.

                                     this is fateh. he is one of the acotrs. he is 18 years old. he is from india.

            he is oruj. Oruj is 18 years old. he is from azerbajan and he will be the 3rd actor in my movie.

choice of the location: i choose these locations for few reasons. all 3 of them are the locations required for my trialer. they are very suitable to the kind of trailer i want to do and lastly they are in the school and because the movie is recorded in school, it is the best place for my movie. 

Sunday, 6 November 2011

16.the story arc.

my trailer is under the cateogry of horror.
this is the story:
one day some school students while they are bored in classroom, have a very bad idea: call spirits/demons.
so at the end of lessons they head back to their boardong house and chill for a while.
at midnight they all meet up in a student room and sart the procedure of calling spirits.
they light candles they all seat in cirlce on the floor with a home meade spirit board and they start calling them.  in the  beginning they think that is never going to work and they start playing around. suddenly all the candles switch off and suddenly from outside the window they hear a veey loud scream, just like if someone is being killed. so they get really scared and decide to go to sleep in their rooms.
during the night many things happen. one of the stidents is sleeping and while a sleep a spirit tries to kill kim by puutinh a pillow on his face and not make him bread anymore, so suddenly he wakes up nad fight with the strenght of the spirit, he suddenly is able to get rid of the pillow and decide to run away from the house in the middle of the night completely terrified. another student while sleeping hears strange noises from the bathroom, scared , he goes to the bathroom , suddenly all the bathroom doors start slamming and he gets thrown around the bathroom and almost drowned in the sink.
he then also decide to run away from the haunted house.
the third student wakes up really thisrsty and decides to go in the kitchen for a glass of water.
while drinking all the kitchen's light switch off and the door shuts. he is now trapped in the kitchen, he then decides to escape from the window ang leave the house. at this point all 3 the students meet outsied the house and decide to go in a reasonably safe place in their opinion. the decide to walk thorugh the woods and go in a small church nearby in order to stay safe and have the portection of god on them. while walking in the forest they keep hearing strange noises and steps but no one is around, terrified the decide to run at the church, they get to the curch and suddenly as soon as they get in there is an icredibly strong shout , the cross in the church flips, the doors lock and...

15. key elements

as my trailer is a trailer for a horror movie, there are few key elemets a must include in my trailer in order to attract the right audinece and attract a high number of viewers.
the first thing that i need to include in my trailer is scare.
the audience needs to b e scared and needs to talk about my trailer  as horrifying and the should almot be "shacking". another key element  is suspence. the audience needs to be willing to see the movie as they are attracted from the trailer and they want to find out what is going happen next and how the movie is going to end and who is going to survive. the third key element is reality, my movie needs to be as real as possible and everythingneeds to be appearing as it could happen to anyone and as it has actually happened.  the last key element of my movie needs to be the sound. the sound must result scaring and must freigthen people with out the help of images.
these are the key elements thatmytrailer needs to have in order to result succesful and therefore able to give the result i am looking for.