Sunday, 6 November 2011

16.the story arc.

my trailer is under the cateogry of horror.
this is the story:
one day some school students while they are bored in classroom, have a very bad idea: call spirits/demons.
so at the end of lessons they head back to their boardong house and chill for a while.
at midnight they all meet up in a student room and sart the procedure of calling spirits.
they light candles they all seat in cirlce on the floor with a home meade spirit board and they start calling them.  in the  beginning they think that is never going to work and they start playing around. suddenly all the candles switch off and suddenly from outside the window they hear a veey loud scream, just like if someone is being killed. so they get really scared and decide to go to sleep in their rooms.
during the night many things happen. one of the stidents is sleeping and while a sleep a spirit tries to kill kim by puutinh a pillow on his face and not make him bread anymore, so suddenly he wakes up nad fight with the strenght of the spirit, he suddenly is able to get rid of the pillow and decide to run away from the house in the middle of the night completely terrified. another student while sleeping hears strange noises from the bathroom, scared , he goes to the bathroom , suddenly all the bathroom doors start slamming and he gets thrown around the bathroom and almost drowned in the sink.
he then also decide to run away from the haunted house.
the third student wakes up really thisrsty and decides to go in the kitchen for a glass of water.
while drinking all the kitchen's light switch off and the door shuts. he is now trapped in the kitchen, he then decides to escape from the window ang leave the house. at this point all 3 the students meet outsied the house and decide to go in a reasonably safe place in their opinion. the decide to walk thorugh the woods and go in a small church nearby in order to stay safe and have the portection of god on them. while walking in the forest they keep hearing strange noises and steps but no one is around, terrified the decide to run at the church, they get to the curch and suddenly as soon as they get in there is an icredibly strong shout , the cross in the church flips, the doors lock and...

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