as my trailer is a trailer for a horror movie, there are few key elemets a must include in my trailer in order to attract the right audinece and attract a high number of viewers.
the first thing that i need to include in my trailer is scare.
the audience needs to b e scared and needs to talk about my trailer as horrifying and the should almot be "shacking". another key element is suspence. the audience needs to be willing to see the movie as they are attracted from the trailer and they want to find out what is going happen next and how the movie is going to end and who is going to survive. the third key element is reality, my movie needs to be as real as possible and everythingneeds to be appearing as it could happen to anyone and as it has actually happened. the last key element of my movie needs to be the sound. the sound must result scaring and must freigthen people with out the help of images.
these are the key elements thatmytrailer needs to have in order to result succesful and therefore able to give the result i am looking for.
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